Amazing Artwork…

We thoroughly enjoyed our art project this week and what beautiful work we produced!

After reading the story ‘The Spider Weaver’, we were inspired to create our own ‘wondrous web’ just like the one that the characters saw in the story.

We began by experimenting with different techniques using the oil pastels including: hatching, cross hatching, drawing zig-zag, curved and dashed lines. This then helped us when it came to creating our own webs. To help us, we looked at some photos of spider webs and imitated the designs.

We then used the water colour paints to add a wash to the background. We used green as in the story, the web that the characters found was in a banana tree.

We then added some more details to our webs using the oil pastels before adding sequins. To finish, we used the running stitch to add some texture to our designs.

Our webs are all unique just like the webs that spiders create and how amazing they look!

ACE Mathematicians…

In our Maths lessons this week we have been thinking about numbers to 100. As well as reading and writing 2-digit numbers in numerals and words, we have been thinking about the value of each digit. We know that 2-digit numbers are made up of some tens and some ones.

We have been resourceful, just like Helpful Hen, and have used the practical equipment to help us partition different numbers into tens and ones.

Our First Week in 2B…Exploring Emotions…

We have had a lovely first week in Year 2 beginning our learning journey together. It was lovely to see so many smiley faces and such enthusiasm on Tuesday morning!

We hooked with the story ‘Silly Billy’ which is about a little boy called Billy who worries about lots of things. Luckily, when Billy shared his worries with his Grandma, she had just the things to help him! Grandma gave Billy some special worry dolls which helped to take his worries away. We enjoyed making our own worry dolls to keep in our classroom. We discussed what we can do if we have a worry at home or at school and who we could tell. We all remembered Chewy, our worry monster, who lives in our classroom.

We also enjoyed re-reading a familiar story called ‘The Colour Monster’. After recapping different emotions, we thought about those that are positive emotions such as: happy, excited and loved and those that are not including: sad, angry and scared. We thought about how we were feeling and created a monster using a collage.

As the emotions are represented as different colours in the story, we enjoyed doing some colour mixing using the water colour paints. We used the paints to make different shades.